Well since Gene is too slow and ADT locked the thread, here is my response:

I am deeply saddened that my former friend Leah Luv is suffering from schizophrenia and severe verbal diarrhea. Our mutual friends have told me that she has been on a shit talking rampage for the last several months and none of us know why. Some say it's jealousy, some say she's using meth again which would explain her strange behavior. But the article I read today was just pathetic. I had no idea she was that desperate to hurt me. I want to be mad, but I just feel sorry for her.

Nice to hear that you're financially secure now, Leah. Especially when a few months ago, you were evicted from your apartment and your car was repossessed. Oh, not to mention the several thousand you owe me....

To address the pile of crap that fell from her mouth, what she said about my family is completely untrue. I'm amazed that someone who physically and emotionally abuses their child would have the audacity to say such things about someone else's family life. Her son lived with her father until a couple months ago because she couldn't handle the responsibility of being a parent thus the physical and mental abuse. How's the therapy going Leah?

Regarding my hygiene lol, I must have worked with Leah about 20 times including the recent "Sweet My Ass" she attempted to "direct". That desperate Leah? No valid reason to hate me, so you just make stuff up?

People do have a problem working with her, however. She claims she "quit" but actually, people just stopped hiring her because of her bad attitude and lame sex scenes.

And regarding that fight, I was never picked up and body slammed lol. It was a shoving match that ended with a handful of her hair in my hand. For her being twice my size, I was surprised how much of an edge I had on her.

Please put the crack pipe down, Leah. Your lies and rumor spreading do not affect me. I'm sure we'll see each other in person again. You can tell me how you really feel then. Let's see if all of LA is behind you, lol.

Dumb cunt.

Ninjas named Sierra make much better best friends than you anyway.