
I gotta say he brought out a side of Leah I didn't know about.


"Hillary and I don't talk at all," says Luv. "We don't communicate at all. I'm really glad to hear that she's going back to Chicago because her daughter might actually get to know who her mommy is."

"I thought she had this million dollar contract with SexZ Pictures," I tell Luv.

"I don't think it's true," Luv answers. "I read it on Adultfyi but from my personal opinion, Hillary doesn't have the strength to stay under contract for five years. Her asshole and her pussy aren't going to last another five years because they're blown out now and it's only been a year and a half. I don't see her asshole holding up. It's disgusting now and she already has odor problems [this is the first I've heard of this] down there and most of the performers in this business don't want to work with her. No matter how expensive her contract is, they can't force a guy or a girl to want to have sex with her. Even when I was her best friend, prior to the fight, she was on my no list. When your best friend is on your no list you can't expect other people to want you on your yes list."

this is the greatest quote ever. leah may be rather unattractive but she's cool when she's bitchy- like with threesomebody last year.