Doesn't seem like Bill is really about Free Speech afterall. More like free money I guess. So sad.

I remember almost a year ago running into him as I was walking by his office on my way to Jim South's office. He wanted me to participate in one of those golf charity things. Well that went to another conversation more in depth of the adult industry. He asked if I was educated and doing something else with myself... and toldme it's smart that I'm doing something with myself other than relying on the industry to survive.

I briefly told him that I did wholesale distributing for companies in England with extreme sports apparel. Nothing too specific really and he jumped the gun on wanting to make a deal with me and my company to promote PAW, free speech yadda yadda.

I knew right away it was nothing but money that he was looking after when I had said its a good business if you do it properly. It was hard for him to take no for an answer so i left with a maybe and never walked by that office again nor called him as he requested.

After all who in their right mind (such as Bill (?)) would want to ask such a possibility when I strictly said that it involves minors wearing the clothing and gear and rather not mend it with the adult industry.

I did learn to just say I do other things but not talk about it. You can't do anything anymore without people getting on you hoping for a freebee of some sort.

Thought you guys might find that interesting.