It's not known. Those web sites are notoriously unreliable, even with reviews.

The name of the game for these sites is to get traffic and bookings, and my guess is that a good way is to put up pages for any girl who's been in porn a couple of years: they're bound to have fans somewhere. Fabricate a couple of reviews to make it look good and you're set. If someone books her you do a bait & switch. Some porn girls do hook and some listings are often real, so if you call for Katja they can probably deliver a porn girl.

As to whether Katja escorts, you'd have to ask her, and I doubt she wants to get into it either way.

You don't know what you are talking about. Bella and BM are solid agencies. If they bait and switched, it would be reported on TER and Big Doggie and people would stop using them. Every girl that is on their websites is available without question.

As for fabricated reviews, one of Katja's reviews on TER is by a hobbyiest who has seen dozens of providers and is well respected within the community.

Perhaps you would also like to persuade us that OJ didn't do it?
"This thing is ready to do damage!"