
Whats there to say. She escorts, there are even reviews of her over at TER. You make it sound like there's something wrong with the fact that she escorts as opposed to escorting on film. In practically every way escorting makes more sense than performing in adult movies.

Especially in a legal way... Last time I checked, prostitution was illegal in California. And I don't care whether people call it "escorting" or use any other euphemisms. It's prostitution, sexual intercourse for money.

I wasn't aware that it's a known fact that Katja Kassin is hooking. I'm strongly opposed to prostitution and I don't read any websites that review or recommend hookers. I don't even know what TER stands for... I was giving KK the benefit of the doubt.

Anyway, I won't even begin to elaborate on what's wrong with prostitution in my opinion. I'm not the Anti-Burglar... I'll just say again what I said before: I have never paid for sexual favours and I never will. It's against my beliefs and my perception of human dignity.