

If you don´t know what to do with $1700, you can always fuck Katja.

The gorgeous, high class, NON-porn escorts that one could have for 1700 bucks, that totally BLOW away Katja, is mind boggling. And it is not just the girl itself, but the encounter...I didnt click on the link, but I assume that 1700 bucks is an hourly rate. That will easily get you 2-3 hours (500-750 an hour) with a top notch, young babe in a multitude of cities and resort destinations and probably still have a couple hundred bucks leftover to tip her an extra 100-200 (if you are a cheap bastard, but still, she wont complain if she gets 3 hours worth out of you...) And of course, if you wanted to go balls out and blow say, 1500 bucks, on one insane hour with a truly elite escort from a city like NY or Houston or even Vegas nowadays, you could very well find yourself "fucking Helen of Troy with her ass on fire." (HBO's Rome)

Why oh why would dudes pay THAT much to screw a porn chick whom they can watch in any of a 100+ scenes and whack themselves silly....? Just to emulate what they saw in that scene? Be original, make up your own fantasy/experience with a chick that isnt available for the entire world to spluge over, and a chick who might actually have a vested interest in at least PRETENDING to care about you and like you for a few hours (albeit to make sure she sees you again...) A porn chick has no such concern, typically.

Ah screw it.....pearls after the swine here...
Are you gonna eat that?