
There's a weird family in my hometown which I think is pretty normal, so strangeness must exist everywhere! Anyway the grandma was in the local paper a while ago and they were talking about her life and her children - she had 30! ) She first started having kids at 12. Anyway its not her thats strange but one of her son's families who moved to the town recently. Most of the 8 kids in the family are constantly in trouble with the police for burglaries, assaults etc and they are always being moved around to different homes due to neighbours being frightened by them and/or them causing damage to the property etc. The two youngest kids in the family are not actually the father's children but the children of the mother and the oldest son

F U U U C C C K K!!! Again, the gene pool needs a pool boy. You gotta clean up this mess every decade or so. When's the next epidemic?
Sharon Mitchell said. "This is a population, you tell them to do something, and they won't do anything."We're not in the real world, we're in the world of porn."