The number 23 is everywhere, I’m not talking about the new movie w/ Jim Carrey, just the truth behind the number. However, these two flicks coming out in the same month is almost a sinister omen. I’ll skip the esoterica, but can Gag Factor be classified as erotica? It takes a better degenerate like simp to actually dissect the important elements of this movie. All I can say it’s pushing the boundries of dreaming up demeaning new stunts to see what you can get whores to do for the money and/or just another installment of some good unclean fun for the quack devotee. One must already have flushed their morals down the toilet and a sick sense of humor to truly appreciate this stuff and I cannot describe the depravity Gag Factor 23 displays, so a picture is worth a thousand words.

208914-GagFactor23-10..jpg (105 downloads)

"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman