
Hi, guys... its me, virgin boy.

Now forgive me.. and please dont laugh at me... but I am 19 years old and havent had sex yet, so I cant do anything but imagine on my part... but, girls, does it hurt when you have sex? I am not a tranny, nor am I trying to come off as gay or have transvestite feeling but maybe its because I'm a caring and oversensitive guy, but the deep deep moans and gibberish and the faces made-- sometime appear to me that we are physically abusing your insides when we have sex with you-- because it appears you are grimacing out of pain.

Sometimes-- I feel so sorry for the girls it serves as a mental block whenever I try to force myself to watch porn. I cant imagine the immennse amount of pain and feeling that you must be going through during sex.

I can only imagine that if I had something hard and long forced up my rectum that it would NOT be enjoyable-- matter of fact.. it would be absolute HELL.

So please try not to laugh at me or make fun, because I am not expereienced with this sort of thing. But ladies-- is sex REALLY enjoyable for you? or is it a necessary evil that you endure for us?

"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja