
Nor have I opened a thread about you. I opened the poll you were too chickenshit to start.

Your so full of shit your eyes are probably brown. You bumped the most hated poster poll to take a shot at me. Oh, and next time you start a poll make sure your not the most hated poster yourself you jackass.


You suck, and everyone knows it.

Nah, some people like what I post, some don't. And I don't have a problem with people who actually contribute criticizing me. But a washed up has been like you has no right to criticize anyone.


Go buy yourself a piece of used ass.

No need to bring your mother into this. I'd rather spend time with whores than posters from ADT.


What whore are you buying yourself for that "special night" on vacation?

Nah, I'm not taking your mom with me, just sun and fun. But its cute to hear moralizing from a porn addict who is no doubt jerking alone in his room waiting for me to respond. I can't wait for you to respond and continue your melt down. Kiss mom goodnight for me, but watch out for the load on her face.
"This thing is ready to do damage!"