Back to the Iron thread(for a second), I questioned ADTer's on why they like Brandon when... well, I'll just give you what I told them:

Not trying to be an ass or anything.

Okay, the overwhelming majority of people here seem to be against rough and extreme sex(gaggin, spitting, throat fucking, puking, hard face slapping).
Brandon seems to have gotten noticed in the business for his rough, gag-inducing, vomit-dripping, face-stinging antics in the original Slap Happy series.
The majority of the posters here seem to like Iron.
I don't understand it.
Again, not trying to be an ass.

threesomebody said this:

I love Brandon's rough stuff and would love to see more Slap Happy type scenes from him. I agree that he is one of the best at this genre. I think I need to subscribe to

For the record, I am not a fan of puking, gagging, etc. I love extremely rough sex, but I distinguish between rough and gross.

Wants to see more Slap Happy type scenes from Brandon, but is "not a fan of puking, gagging, etc."
I am still trying to make some sort of sense out of this one.

Edited by Moronboy?!? (03/20/07 02:15 PM)