From what I know, the professor is another closet porn fan who wanted to produce an indy film on the adult-oriented side, and he was willing to have me direct sex with him for the movie. He asked me about it a long time ago (late '04-early '05), but I had not already jumped into the idea of directing; just considerd it. For some reason or another, he never came up with the budget and never booked LA talent including myself like he claimed he would, and I did not hear from him for a while. Towards the end of '05 he started contacting me all over again and I basically did not answer or respond to his phone calls. I wasn't trying to ignore him, or anybody for that matter. I just got busy. You know, I was and always am on the whore grind like most fellow industry whores, and I don't return all phones calls anymore, since it is NOT necessary. In early '06 he left a message and he expressed concern for not having heard from me for a while (real creepy, eh?), and I told him: I got busy! I had received a few e-mails from him, and out of common courtesy, I responded to them. After the last time I heard from him, I decided that when I changed my contact information over (late '06) he would be one of few people listed in my phone that would NOT get my new number. Now you see why!