


Traced the prof's IP to this Indiana School

I'm salivating at the idea of someone who works at a theological university trying to make porn films.

I wish I could trust you on this one, Fatman. I feel a vacancy arising there shortly.


When I was at college there was a bible-thumping theo student who approached me about stealing a pair of panties from a girlfriend of a friend of mine. I was known to do odd pranks for the right amount of cash. I told him to go die. She was my best friend!

I told her about it and she said, "Well how much did he offer? If he'll go for triple ask him what color."

It so delighted her to know that this prude god-squad guy was sinning with her panties!

Fatman ask yourself: Was that stupid pointless story worth your time to type, proofread and post?

Because it was not worth my time and it didn't contribute anything to the discussion.

If you're getting something therapeutic out of your experience here then by all means carry on, but anything short of that is a misguided and misspent use of everyones time.