As long as we're being serious here, there are no toy guns in my household or shoot 'em up videogames. There is no gun culture, period. When the time is right, my kids will be taught the right way, most likely beginning on the shooting range at summer camp as I did.
This contrasts with my brother in law, who was raised in Texas and was given a .22 rifle for his 8th birthday that he kept in his bedroom. He turned out fine, but won't carry on that tradition with his future children.
Despite my range training, I also did some things with guns that I cringe at to this day. Irresponsible, stupid things that I did with other kids, but I'd have to credit luck or divine influence in preventing any injury or incarceration.
Guns are inherently dangerous, kids are stupid, and luck has it's limits. Firearms can be great fun with proper guidance and direction, but in the absence of such oversight I think it's better just to keep them out of sight and mind.