From iHateWhores dot com

I should have known better than to switch my schedule around for this broad. Tuesdays are my day off, but not this week. I scheduled one of the last handjob scenes I needed for a contract I’m doing.I did it to accomodate this whore. I’m such a fucking pushover

My day was brutal from start to finish. The shoot is scheduled for 11AM. The whore shows up right on time. Unfortunately she brought someone. No. Not her dumb boyfriend. That would have been welcome compared to who she had with her. She brought with her a belly full of baby. Yep. Why would she mention that to me prior to showing up? No big deal. She’s only 6 FUCKING MONTHS PREGNANT! Did she think I wasn’t going to notice? I was fucking pissed. I’m ready to throw in the fucking towel with this business. Every fucking day it is some new retard fucking up my day. I deserve better than this.

Anyway, Momma Whore shows up looking like she just ate a goldfish bowl and says “I didn’t think it made any difference. It’s just a handjob scene.” That made me nuts. “JUST a handjob scene? That kind of attitude is why you jerk people off for money. Have some INTEGRITY, you fucking idiot!” I’m so angry at this point I need to get away from her. She goes out to my balcony to smoke a cigarette (Mother of the year!) and I go regroup. I decide to shoot her anyway, despite my being sickened by her dumb fetus filled body.

“Let’s get this over with.” I tell her. The scene takes 30 long minutes to finish. She is not only horrible at not getting pregnant, but she is also awful at giving handjobs. I did not enjoy it at all. not for a second. I got through it though because I’M A PROFESSIONAL. As much as she sucked. I really can’t say enough good things about myself. I really persevered despite all the obstacles thrown my way.

We wrapped things up and she said to me “I guess I’ll call you in a few months after the baby’s born and we can shoot something more to your liking.” I responded “I guess your call will go unanswered because I don’t like you or your terrible handjob technique. Now get lost before I call Child Welfare on you.”

That’s how my shitty day started. See what I have to put up with? How was your fucking day?

"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K