
What the fuck happened to her?

you know that simpsons episode where they went to australia? (fuck i hated that epidsode when it came out, i was like 11 and pissed off how thay maed fun ouf my country). you know the end? when the koala is on board the plane and someone is making that simpsons "sself-aware"-"self=deprecating" momnent which the writers use to show they are so post-modenr and not taking themselves seroiusly (homos)? and the sound-effects go: duh! duh! duh!

i/m totally hearing that now iwth the zoom in on jennas face. duh! duh! duh!

(my friend who is a woman or moore likely girl and thus not a woman loves jenna's "autobiography", written by neil strauss, who also wrote "the dirt", awesome book untli tommy lee get's fuccking obsessed with pam and stops talking about ihs foot fetish- homo- and neil strauss also wote "the game" a tale about pick up artsists, also a good book- neil strauss = "style"- and where was i going with this? i/ve never read it cos xpt made me not like jinna even though i've never scene one of her scenes, is she hot? i'm going to regret tihs tommorrwo, sundar nights should not be spent drinking scotch watching discovery channel.

my aunty = lame old lady, selfish and too self absorbed to realised it- chip on shouldder. the course of baby boomers hwo never married. lame.