

Monstar(or whoever took these pics), thank you for not making these girls look like drug-addled, $10 per hour, scuzzy, nasty, bottom-of-the-barrel prostitutes like a certain other person who takes pictures at these big porn get-togethers(hint: his name rhymes with Puke Gourd).

I have a feeling it was all top-notchers there because that's how Dances With Harlots rolls.

gia's point is a good one. i also think that monstar's and gia's photos seem to be more natural and taken inside the party with darker lighting, whilst luke's are all "red carpet" photo-ops where the girls seem to try too hard to be sexy and end up looking like tards under the barrage of lights. also the motivation of the photographers, with monstar and gia more inclined to try to make the girls look glamorous and sexy than luke, may play a part.

overanalysis? yeeeeees.