I have been noodling over the whole self esteem leading to degrading acts thing and, frankly, it makes me feel terrible that a beautiful young woman such as Tiffany Rayne, who, as we speak, could be on the UConn campus finding herself a future successful actuary who could provide her with an adequate suburban home, chose instead to let various parolees ejaculate on her face. Let's face the truth; it is a self esteem issue that can be resolved.

Here is my idea. Feel free not to embrace it, but I belioeve it will help many of these women with self esteem issues. It would be a new line called "Complimentkkake." Basically, a woman would be in a chair, fully clothed, and a room full of men would pass by her and say something nice. For example, one man might say, "Gee, you have really nice eyes," while another might say, "Wow, you are really smart." After about 45 minutes of this, perhaps her self esteem will be sufficiently inflated so that she will not need to have 12 or 20 guys fill her with hydrant-sized members then soil her face while calling her a whore.

Just an idea.