
That Ron Jeremy will always be the poster child for the 'don't need good looking men' point. Conventions ... no, I've done what I've done from here in New England and never wanted to travel to conventions, Florida or LA. I made that decision despite opportunities to do otherwise, having already done a lot of traveling across the country and the fact that it was not that important to me to do it.

Not going to conventions to meet with you fans is one thing. But to not show up to the AVN’s is the equivalent to a sports star not showing up for the ESPIES or a “legitimate” actor not going to the Academy Awards. It’s not just for the accolades but more to show who you are (i.e., that you’ve "allegedly” made it and that you too are actually a marketable community) and to schmooze with your peers. Once again I am not going to be insincere to the other actors who are not unbelievably handsome but good old RJ is not the only one. Let’s see here are a few others-

• Dave Cummings….he is by far no spring chicken.
• Ed Powers….draw your own conclusions.
• Max Hardcore….his flicks are bought primarily because “the man” despises him.

All three (and RJ) of them cater to a specific niche and are certainly not always in the top 10 of sales or rentals but have been doing this (porn) for awhile. Not your average flash in the pan. Under that mindset you should be able to expand your thinking and understand that porn is not an exclusive club for just the “pretty” people. Not to go deeper into the whole. But did you not know that the “average” American is overweight, fat or clinically obese. With that in mind as well why would any of these fat fucks go out and buy a video, purchase a subscription to a site to see “attractive” people having sex? They want to have some thing or someone to relate to. If they wanted that they would go to the beach or the club and watch hot guys and girls play with each other.