Check out some statistical data on Selma, NC:

Demographics in Selma:

Black (40.3%)
White Non-Hispanic (39.2%)
Hispanic (19.0%)
Other race (9.9%)
Two or more races (1.8%)
American Indian (0.9%)

Educational data:

For population 25 years and over in Selma

High school or higher: 63.6% (Alternately: 36.4% - more than one in three, didn't graduate high school.)
Bachelor's degree or higher: 10.1%
Graduate or professional degree: 2.2%
Unemployed: 5.4%

Compared to North Carolina averages:

*Median household income below state average.
*Median house value below state average.
*Black race population percentage significantly above state average.

In summary: Selma is a fucking GHETTO. Anyone who might be able to answer, please do so: why would an agent opt to send a dancer to a place like this, versus any other market?

It seems that disposable income would be less in Selma than most anywhere else even in North Carolina and, pardon my un-PC analysis, demographically the tipping is likely to be meager.

Good luck and be safe, Gia!