

Wow, wait, the "first ever" champ? You mean you aren't the current defending champ? Then why the fuck am I even bothering talking shit with you, you are a has been. Bragging about being the first xpt champ? This is a message board for porn, and you aren't even the current champ, that is like bragging that you won gold in the special olympics, even the champion is still a dribbling retard at the end of the day!!

**stands there in disbelief** Son, Im a bit disappointed in your comeback. Surely you can do better. This is the juvenille monkey crap I expect from 3rd graders, not the great Tunavan. What happened? Is you immenent loss causing you to become unfocused? Or is it the fact that your starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel? Its okay. For every winner, there must be a loser. If you can accept your role as the latter, Im sure you will sleep better at night.

HAHA, that jedi mind trick may work where you come from where everyone's brains are fucked up on medical weed and too much fucking hairspray in there fucking LA poser hair, but that will not work on anyone from the RIGHT coast. You know you are a bit nervous here, you played with these clowns last year, and the year before, but now a new kid is on the block. I make EVERYONE nervous, nobody knows what the fuck my deal is, haha. I am gonna bust a hole in your team and just make you look silly, end of story. I am actually considering giving a call to pixar or Industrial Light and Magic to come up with an avatar of you getting fucked by the biggest black stud ever. HAHAHAHAHA
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