I saw this portion of a post in Google groups. I know part of it is true. But as for the rest is it all true???

> For some strange reason in this business, It's been a long time trend for an actress to have a husband or boyfreind who manages her career, this is a norm in the business, some people in the biz call them "porn pimps". So why is this so prevalent in porn? Or is this common in all types of entertainment?

The reason is simple .. The so-called management companies & agents in this industry are simply out for $$$, where a girl's husband or boyfriend simpy looks-out more for the welfare of his mate.

World Modeling Agency, the self proclaimed "central casting agency" for porn, is nothing more than a place to leave a Polaroid in the hopes that a producer will select you [the girl in question] and then World Modeling comes chasing after you for their agent fee!

Agents or agencies like Roy Garcia or Regan Senter promote only the girls who will have sex with them first and then take 20% from the girls who get work and then hit-up the producers for another 20%!

In having a boyfriend or husband as a manager or agent, there is no need for the girl to worry about paying-out FEES or having to "sleep" with someone off camera simply to get a job.