
Gonzo girl... where are yooouuu? Stop playing house again damnit. We need you here. :: pouts :: <~ me and you

hey girl, i'm here. i could use some right now, fo'sho. :sigh: just saw the avn.com article. congrats on not riding the sybian. i wish you and ava could have rigged the awards ticket giveaway so i could have won!!!! i wish i could go this year so bad. i am so bummed about it. i am so needing another hobby. even my husband is like, "jesus fucking christ, would ya quit with the porn shit already! can we please watch a real movie? if you try to make me watch "ATM Love Machines" one more time i am going to fucking lose it!" this really happened.
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way." --Handful