

Ivor Biggun (aka Bigot),

The 30 day risk exposure period you cite can apply to anyone - straight, gay, bisexual, male, female. My directive to you is to understand that venereal diseases are a safe sex/promiscuity issue, not a sexual identity issue. Sexual identity has nothing to do with it.

If you don't want to understand this, perhaps you will understand "fuck off, cunt".

Props for a good trolling run, but I really think it's time you retired this ID. You've run out of material and it's getting tiresome.

I agree, Ivor. This one has had a good run, but other than the badger guy really hasn't drawn anyone in with any passion.

I like "kates" posting style, though. Several idiosyncrasies have made the posts amusing, but hard for me to put a finger on the real id of the user.

I like the use of inflammatory phrases like the above "my directive to you" and I think earlier in this thread "my take-home message to you" and a few other jewels he's bandied about.

I'm thinking it might be Maxx Diesel, who I hear is a big fan of bi-guys weaving back and forth across the centerline of the hershey highway.