I have a babe in the woods question. Seriously. The sort of unstated philosophy or charter of this board seems to be something about pointing out hypocrisy and absurdity and calling bhullshit or whatever. It's also clearly about the wondrous cathertic value of unleashed hate, otherwise none of you would go after monkey's sock puppets so vehemently when you clearly know better. Ryan Knox was taken to task for doing strap-on pornography in his butt, when the ostensible reason for the animosity towarsds him was that he was a douchebag of some sort. I have difficulty believing the strap-on posse were arbitrarily using that against him because that was merely another way to get his goat. Then there is poor Banda Sirens and the derisive microscope his faggostry has come under. I lost my train of thought, but something doesn't feel right about the way this thread has unfolded. It smells of corruption in the context it is in. Maybe someone should draft a new board charter.
