
Ok sluts and pig fuckers... I'm going to get my nose chapped off. Thankfuly... Thanks Burg baby... Your support for this is needed. ; )

Yeah, as Bornyo once called me "Da Quixote", I am always trying to save that which should not be saved, and support that which is actually untenable on Moral Grounds. The fact is Mia clearly states in her myspace message(s) and Bulletins that her Nose "has got to go" and she specifically asked people to NOT send her messages saying things like "Oh, you are beautiful as you are! Your nose is fine, blah blah blah..."

Of course, we all know that Mia was stunning AS is (or judging by the time and her surgery this morning) as "was"...I mean, is there any dude alive ANYWHERE with a functioning Penis and Heterosexual Urges who would NOT Fuck Mia With her pre-nose job nose?

That being said, since it is now a fait accompli, let us rejoice with Mia and her brand new bouncing baby Nose

...No doubt with her overall, non-nose related growing popularity, Mia will be showcasing her new proboscis covered in splooge in films like Bakers Dozen, Glazed and Confused and Cum Snorting Addicts
Are you gonna eat that?