

Not only are you unable to cough up the evidence, you're also prone to misrepresenting my position. My position is that selective homophobia exists at the very top of the straight porn industry - i.e. with the editors, the directors and the company heads.

And your proof is?

Because I've read the entire thread, and other than repeatedly stating your opinion, and looking like a complete fool, you've done little else.

How about a list of the companies that make porn, and show how they've never made gay porn, never made bi-sex porn, never hired an actor, tranny, whatever who's done male-male action.

You make a silly specious argument, unsuported by any evidence. Straight Men do not want to see male-male action in their porn, that perspective has been stated by a Gay Man, an Actor who's done Gay and Bi-Sex Porn, and all the male posters and some of the Female Porn Actors in this thread repeatedly.

Where are the Gay/Bi-Sex Porn Actors who have affidavits stating that the majority of Porn Companies won't hire them because they only do Male-Male Action?

Where are the business records that show that the majority of Porn Companies don't have a Male-Male/Bi-Sex Catalog?

What about interviews with Porn Directors, Producers, Editors who state that they will not be involved in Male-Male Action?

I've not misrepresented anything, you just skip back to the same spot on your record and insult anyone who doesn't share your perspective.

You've wriggled and wriggled and repeated and repeated.

You're arguement is that "Porn Studios have a ban on Male-Male Action in "Straight Porn."

Your Thread title "The Straight Porn Industry is Homophobic" has yet to be supported by some FACTUAL EVIDENCE.

I've stated, the Porn Industry is Guided by GREED, their God is MAMMON, if more people wanted Male-Male Action in their PORN the Companies that make Porn would put Male-Male Action in the Porn, so they could make MORE MONEY.

Where are the Polls to support your argument to influence the Producers, Directors, Editors that putting Male-Male Action in "Straight Porn" is comercially Viable?

Where is your evidence, other than they put in Porn what people want to see, that the "Straight Porn Industry is Homophobic?"


Well Google didn't hit on "Percentage of Straight Men Who Want to View Gay Porn" gee I wonder why?

Put up or shut up Kate.
Put Up or Shut Up.
The only thing I have to look forward to is a terminal illness. Killer Rabbit