
Listen KATE! I'm a bisexual photo stylist living in West Hollywood. I bet that makes your wienie hard, n'est pas? The point is that you don't see me on here waving a rainbow flag and bitching about the lack of male2male contact in straight porn. Why??? Because I know that XPT just like STRAIGHT PORN CATERS TO STRAIGHT GUYS!!! Doesnt mean their homophobic. Christian guzzles tranny cum in gay movies and xpt still sees him as one of the guys But here at XPT we're more interested in THE GIRLS that he's fucking. When I wanna talk about girls and straight porn, I cum here. If I wanted to talk about bi male/gay male porn, I go somewhere else. Quit bitchin

Cum Stains, I appreciate you trying reason with Kate/Carl, but it won't work. It's like punching a brick wall, only kate/carl is dumber.
If cum was concrete, Quasarman would have a four lane freeway going down his throat. - pariah