
My name is Henry, and I'm new here. I live in Georgia (about 1.5 hours south of Atlanta), and I'm a porn fanatic (whodathunkit?).

I'm a writer, and I'm interested in writing porn scripts and stories (I also do soundtrack stuff, but I'll save that for later). I used to do some really hardcore snuff film material (fiction, of course), but I'd like to start writing regular porn. Also, the people that I usually dealt with in snuff were always full of bullshit and delayed payment all the damn time.

However, someone told me that writing porn scripts/stories is useless, as the director usually comes up with his own stuff. Is this true?

I don't have any limits on what I'll write (I'll even do more snuff stuff, although I'd prefer to just do porn). As I have almost no experience in writing porn, I'm in no damn position to be picky, so I won't be. I'll write anything I can get my hands on.

Could anyone here offer me advice on how to get started writing porn scripts/stories (not erotica), and maybe some people to contact (or people on this forum that could use a writer)? I'd really appreciate it. Also, as I'm new to writing porn, I'll work for shit money.