I've been so busy searching for the perfect luncheon experience that I forgot to log my finding here and instead, offer this immortal reminder:

"...just as lunch was at the center of man's temporal day, and man's temporal day could be seen as an analogy for his spiritual life, so lunch should be (a) seen as the center of man's spiritual life, and (b) held in jolly nice restaurants..."

Today I went to Burbank with Zaure. I had to meet up with her to get some extra C-stands because she is helping me "dress" my garage set.

We decided to pick up some Maccheroni con pomodori secchi
e pesto di basilico e mandorle from Tony's Bella Vista Ristorante. I had a side of fried calamari. The only thing I don't like about this place is the dessert menu, which comprises of 3 overly sweet desserts.
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.