Today I got a call from The Stash. He told me "Come to my place immediately. I have something to show you." and I said "What? Is it really that important?" and he said "It is. I promise."

So I left for The Stash's place. I hate going to his place because he is very untidy. I mean really. He has tons and tons of things all over the place and he is also not normal. But I went because ocassionally, The Stash has done some pretty remarkable things.

I arrived at his place at just about 1:23pm. I remember because immediately I got there I regreted it. He had invited a couple of his friends (who aren't my friends so I hate them) and they were sitting in his living room obviously waiting for me. The joke (whatever it was) was on me- the late commer. The Stash said "Oh you-are-going-ta LUV THIS" stressing the last two words like they were a hint for what I was about to be shown. Two of his friends are called Blair and I think Sandy. Sandy dyed her hair blood red and Blair looks like a porn reject. I'm not kidding.

So The Stash diped the lights and sat near me. He has a projector he and another friends called Tristan stole from a run-down theatre in Tacoma Washington. As the countdown was going he whispered in my ear "Don't worry- after this we're having LUNCH. On me."

The film started. It was a puppet movie- or rather a film he made with some puppets. Very crude, but kinda interesting. I knew now why he had called me.
A couple of months ago I remodelled my garage to build a set. I put a bunch of shit in boxes and moved them out of the garage into a storeage facility. A bunch of friends would come over and help- The Stash being one of them- and ocassionally steal something here and there (thats LA for you). The Stash made out with 3 puppets I got from France. My girlfriend also made the mistake of giving him a box of mine that was full of shit I used to make sets (or whatever) which he used to build his set. His puppets had a car, a house and even clothes- all taken from shit he stole from my place. His film was about a kid called Dime who was being molested by his father called Dad who was a big fan of a filmmaker called Joe Egard (a reference to an old mutal friend). Dime was being molested by his father, then had his father drive him to meet Joe to appear in his film as an extra- the whole time the dad told Dime how great Joe was. Finally when Dime meet Joe, he was molested. Then the film ended.

The Stash said "I'm going to submit this to the film festival. I want you to back me up."
Usually I'd be mad, but to be honest, there was something about the film that I loved. The Stash shot it on 8mm film because he's stupid, and he also did all the voices and even the music. I was impressed. He busted out some crackers and cheese and pepperoni and we ate. It felt very juvenile, but you know, it came from an honest place. And that, pretty much was my day.
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.