You gotsta finda way to gets peoples to particpates, brah. They is afraid like latent hecklers in a standup crowd. You own this thread too fiercely. Your bumps look like bumps nomatter how inventive and evocative.
I had a FREE lunch today. They warehouse sponsored an "Ends of Summers' luncheon outside. It was kind of cool withy lots of cirru7s. I had a freen "Italian sausage" sandwich with FREE Fritos and FREE pasta salad and FREE diet pEpsi. I sat by myself. My immedfiate supervisor insultingly sat down conspicuously accros from me and asked "How's windsock doing?" Boy. Is hanghing to best suicidse or is bleeding. I don't wan't to be nauseous, but I don't want violence. My fantasy is coming to conscioluosness ammongst Romper Room psych workers for a few weeks who see how fucking special I am in some4 other realitry. Who weikll pay for this? I donut care.

"you aint felt fear till you felt a sista question you on things you dont wanna be questioned on."---GUAPO