Today I got a visit from Milena. Last time I saw her was on a set in Nippon. The embarassing thing about todays visit was that I was viewing some pornographic images on my laptop last night and forgot to close some of them down. When Milena asked if she could check her e-mail, I naturally thought she'd use the desktop, but she fired-up my laptop and saw these naughty images. She wasn't offended (atleast it didn't seem that way), but now I fear she will look at me in a completely different light.

She smiled the whole time when she finally noticed I knew she had seen the pictures. I was so uncomfortable and didn't want to say a thing, so we sat around in an awkward silence.

I finally broke down and asked her if she wanted anything to eat, to which she responded "maybe a salad." So I quickly made her a garden salad. For me I had a dos tamalas; shredded pork tamale topped with red chile sauce and a hand-shredded chicken tamale. I garnished this with roasted corn salsa and crumbled cotija cheese.

Milena had some. I also had a pack of seaweed type chips sitting on the table. I bought these in a Japanese supermarket not too long ago. Now we're waiting for StuntRock to come over. I might go book browsing later.
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.