Well perverts, this afternoon I rose from my slumber around 1 PM Eastern Standard Time due to a disgusting telephone call from Mister loopnode, and had an awkward tweak in my back. I popped several pieces of pita bread into toaster. Two pieces went with the last of a delicious tub of hummus, and another two pieces were filled with some cheese I had laying around the fridge. After this beginning, I felt like I could have a bit more to eat so I pulled out the last slice of Dominos veggie lover's pizza and chomped down on that. While I do not like pizza too much, I do not like to let things go to waste and no one else in this house eats leftovers. To clean out my throat of any contaminants I filled a glass with ice and coca-cola, as I am not a Pepsi man. A rather benign lunch for today.

Additionally Miss Jordan, I have to plead with you to stop complimenting my great state of North Carolina in order to keep all the perverts who lurk on these nether-regions of the internet in the dark of its greatness. All of us from NC would appreciate if you would praise Idaho or maybe New Jersey instead as those states are worthless yet far enough from us.