
They don't make cartoons like that anymore. I like the older ones better when Tom and Jerry weren't friends.

+1 I fucking hated when they would screw with a established successful formula / storyline .... Like when Sylvester and Tweety teamed up with the Big Bull Dog to counteract the effects of some fucked up grownup, like Grandma after she drank some kinda spiked prune juice that turned her into a jekyl&Hyde monster sometimes...etc etc etc...it sucketh....

Well some bad news (or not....) ... Taylor MOFO Rain et al probably also likes Jonny Quest cuz her Dog is NAMED precisely the same as Jonny's Dog.....

Roger "race" Bannon was a Lethal Mofo...Dr Quest was a tool and about as interesting and dynamic as A malnourished Turnip Pulled from a garden filled with depleted soil. Hadji was the only interesting character because he knew some Magic tricks, and probably a few Beautiful Hott Indian Hindu Tantric Love goddesses he'd invite up to his room and allow Jonny to pull his imperialistic pudd IN STYLE!!!