My friend Tommy came over today to see me. Tommy is the best photographer I know and he's the best person to have around when your trying to get ideas. There's just something about him that makes him work like some of conduit for transmitting ideas and making ones mind race.

While my girlfriend was on the balcony yacking it up with one of her friends over the phone Tommy and I made a dash to BK. The quest for the perfect LUNCHEON entails in leaving no rock unturned and no cracks unexplored.

I ordered the Double Whopper w/ cheese- which is an ingenious name the good people at BK came up with for distinguishing their sandwitch from McDonald's Big Mac. These titles also work in making the consumer think they are eating something unique: but the Whopper (just like it's rival the Big Mac) consist of processed meat inbetween a bun, lettuce, chopped onions and an insanely large sized tomato. Fries come as side order for the meal value pack with a large soft drink. Tommy went with the Specialty Chicken Sandwich, this time the meat is substituted with chicken. Not very well done but it's designed to satisfy a quick hunger.

Afterwards we went to the bookstore to grab a couple of magazines. This music making has me researching everything and music production and I don't want to be left behind when it comes to knowing which kit does what best. Tommy has a cool website going on and checks his blog every so often. It's mostly for photography nuts who post strange pictures of random things they like to take pictures of. I find it kinda stupid, but when he shows me the pictures I start to wish I had a blog of my own where people can show me stuff they have taken pictures of. Well, maybe some day I will.

I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.