Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but yesterday I spent most of the day making music and watching The Lady in the Water.

I left for Warner Bros studios about 11am to watch a cut of this before it hits theatres coz M Night is super excited about it and Warner Bros are doing a bunch of promos for him to make they're money back. Damn they spent a lot of this shit... and after Disney bailed when M Night refused to change specific parts in the film, well, Warner Bros decided to take a risk hoping for a 6th Sense type of sucess. If you've seen the trailer.. they say M Night's name about 5 times.. and refer to The Village and Signs quite a few times just incase you forgot who M Night was.

I'm not going to get into the story because it would upset M Night's fans (if there are any on this board) but i'll tell you one thing.. after I watched it I couldn't wait to get home and get back to music making. OFcourse I had to do one more thing.... LUNCH.

I picked up a Moussaka and a pita. The pita is like a sandwitch, really bizarre mix and has a very organic taste to it while the moussaka is egg-plant dish favored mostly in the Balkan regions of the planet. I washed this down with a Pilsner before heading home at about 5pm.

At this point I was tired so I put on the Science channel and feel asleep to Carl Sagan talking about Venus being hotter than the hottest oven in the house. I was awoken at about 7pm by my girlfriend and her friend Karla from Brazil. They were home and demanding food. Typical!!!

I made music until the wee hours of the night.. woke up late today and preparing myself for another exciting lunchtime adventure. Life is one big lunar module.

I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.