
Here's something seductive for Loop... oh how the hands touch her face so delicately

Hey, that looks like my friend Quick's work. Quick likes to dismantle dolls. He once asked me to make him this lovely lolita girl which he then proceeded to dismantle and give spider limbs. I was digusted! That picture fascinates me though. I really wonder if it's Quick's work.

Anyway, I know everyone's gagging to hear about my LUNCH report for today: Well- my girlfriend and I had Stamppot boerenkool and schnitzel.

Stamppot, for those that are curious, is a Dutch meal that consists of mashed potatoes mixed with either raw or cooked vegetables and (not necessarily) meat. In our case, we added potatoes, meatballs, carrots and broccoli. I also added some Snitzel which is a kind of meat, but really I did this cause I wanted to get rid of it. It's not really that Dutch if you ask me.

Normally if you were making Stamppot boerenkool and schnitzel you mash the potatoes then add spekkies and a piece of rookworst (dutch smoked sausage) but I like to experiment and play around with different cuisine. We washed this down with a nice cold lager of heineken (I had 2 but my girlfriend only had 1 because she's a light weight).

LUNCH is my favorite meal of the day!
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.