
Ah. Chico you've asked a very good question and I can tell you're a person who takes their luncheon very seriously. Good for you sir.

Columbian restaurants are hard to find. The key is to find Columbian cuisine to begin with, which, given their reputation for coke, isn't exactly easy.
One place I can recommend is Restaurante Chibcha (Comida colombiana y caribeña) on W. Sunset Boulevard. They're cusine isn't exactly top notch but if you want to sample, this is a good place to start. To tell you the truth, if you want Columbian, find a Columbian and see whether they have a grandmother. The new generation (i.e. 3rd generation plus) is polluted.

Argentinian: now this gets tricky. You see, Argentina is mostly known for music outside it's own borders so their food gets mixed with a lot of Spanish.
Carlitos Gardel on Melrose for a Spanish type flair or Guacho Grill in Pasedena should fill your appettite.
In Clairmont they have a place called El Tango Argentino but I only drank here: never ate, so I cannot really be accurate about the cuisine (shop with caution).

Venezuelan: damn pal. Your really going exotica aren't you? Unfortunately I don't know any Venezuelan establishments that can cater strictly to their ethnic cuisine. Jump around, shop around, eat out and meal in. Venezuelan chicks are some of the hottest chicks in the universe so who knows what they're cooking?

Good journey to you sir!

Loop, my friend; you are a dining god.