
Gauge is adorable, amazing and will kick your ass if you piss her off, lol. She is still feature dancing around the country. Matter of fact I will be seeing her next weekend when she comes down here to South Florida. Her website is ILoveGauge.com which probably has her dance schedule on it. If she doesn't i will get it from her and post it on my site. I am going to make her a fan page on Xcitement.com with new pics and I'll let her write what she wants too. Look for that soon. I'll let you know what she says about coming back to do movied after I talk to her,

Thanks Cindi it would be great to hear from her. I think she was thinking of maybe filming some movies of her own but I haven't seen anything out yet. She was a bit worried about starting out and having to finance the movies herself so I don't know if she has started anything yet. I would love if she could come back and shoot more movies! I think porn shot nowadays is a lot better quality to a few years ago and would love to see her in some quality scenes! Gauge is the best star there has ever been in porn!

I was wondering what she was doing at the porn convention? Was she there working for some company?