

that, and i believe democracy is a failed expiriment. people on the whole are too stupid to lead themselves and need to be led...

Americans used to be involved in the democratic process, over time their democratic responsibilty turned to apathy. People elect their represetatives on name recognition, not their record.

Only strengthening my argument... people are too stupid and ignorant to make decisions for themselves.



So obviously the idea of "spreading democracy" is just ludicrous to me...

Especially at the point of a gun barrel, but don't worry, America hasn't spread any Democracy both Iraq's and Afghanistan's constitution are based on Muslim Shaira law.

Thats because even though i can't stand those people... they do understand the need for control. But, all in all it is reason we should be MORE brutal in our efforts, not less.


it didn't work in russia, it didn't work in afganhistan, it wont work in iraq... humanity needs tyranny to survive, or at the very least an enlightened despot. the key solution was stated by Emperor Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire, "Everything for the people, nothing by the people."

I'm not big on Fascism, Dictatorships, or Socialism/Communism myself. I think Democracy can work but you need an enlightened populace who's involved in the political process. It's not in the interest of most politicians, corporations, despots or religous leaders to have a constiuency that is involved and enlightened.

I don't think Democracy is in it's last throes, but it's pretty sick and weakly at the moment.

If Democracy fails in America it will be because the people didn't care enough to participate in Governing themselves.

You made my argument for me when you said that you need an enlightened populace. 90% of the population will always be far from enlightened. They do not deserve to govern themselves... about 1/3rd of them shouldn'tbe allowed to choose what they do with their lives or who they breed with. Like I say... we should have a test at the endof the sixth grade, if you show no real potential creatively or intellectually... we stop wasting time and money, you go to work, you are assigned a job, you spend your life there, you live in housing on site and you get paid nothing but your housing and food are paid for. The ones who have scores tha are above average are schooled in a way that nurtures them and helps them develop along whatever path they choose. Before puberty we reversibly sterilize all citizens, when you find a partner and get married and are stable, you take a series of tests... if you prove responsible and stable, THEN the process is reversed... and you may breed...
That is a perfect future.
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.