See, i'm a kind of a right winger... but i have always hated Bush and i am not a supporter of the war in Iraq, other than for the fact that it makes both the american right and left act like total asshats.
I have a very Euro-Centric view that is in some ways right-wing, and in some ways Radical Middle.
America's two parties are really too similar to count and are both working for mostly the same goals that i find highly objectionable...

that, and i believe democracy is a failed expiriment. people on the whole are too stupid to lead themselves and need to be led... So obviously the idea of "spreading democracy" is just ludicrous to me... it didn't work in russia, it didn't work in afganhistan, it wont work in iraq... humanity needs tyranny to survive, or at the very least an enlightened despot. the key solution was stated by Emperor Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire, "Everything for the people, nothing by the people."
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.