CM, a typo at 3am is a typo at 3am, no.1...

no.2... considering i have never failed in any life endeavor i wouldn't know what category that would put me in. What do we know of you, what says you are not a bigger failure than anyone on this board. I am happy with my life... i leave for europe as soon as my paperwork is filed... right now, im just cruising along till then. So far i have done everything i have set out to do every step of the way. My next step is to go travel europe, get in touch with my ancestral roots, fuck a lot of eurpean women and work on my music projects... my last few years have bankrolled the freedom to do that... where is the failure in that. It's better than being some of these sad old fucks.
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.