I love Gen. She has that super-sweet Laura Ingles quality that wants me to tag one on everytime I see her. Gen is the smokin' hot fucktwat I live for.

My bestfriend is an Ashley Blue nutter, always askin' me, "Do you got anymore Ashley B videos?" "Nope, the bitch died, didn'tcha here?" I tell him everytime.

Translated; Gen is the girl you want to steal away from porn, tell her she's the most beautiful, sexiest, smartest girl in the world while waiting patiently for her to break your heart because you know deep down that she's way too good for your sorry ass.

Ashley is the girl you want to shoot that triple load up her asx (along with a couple yer buds), and watch her squirt it out into a champagne flute while calling her a nasty fucking whore, all while walking out the door. You don't care if she dies of AIDS but you hope it doesn't happen while you still know her. It's always a bitch when you gotta pretend to care.

Good/bad up/down it's just the way it is.