
I invited AC Cream on over when he came to my booth during AEE. He was complaining about his thread, so I told him to duke it out on xpt.



I don't think AC will be posting much at ADT anymore. Looks like he may find a new home here.

JM Productions has always practiced a big tent policy. I think it's safe to say that the XPT membership would welcome AC's posts. Send him on over.

Gia and Bornyo thanks for the welcome. I wish I could say I'm happy about the things that took place, but I'm not. I still don't yet know the official reason, but with all the bullshit floating around me it doesn't much matter what the reason was. Somebody I really respect gave me the advice of maybe getting away from the industry. It saddens me to consider this, but with people around that say they are your friend and then less than a year later stab you in the back having a hand in ruining what you've worked a year & a half to achieve is really hard to take. It saddens me cause I've met some really great people in this industry and turning my back on them because of a handful of heartless, cold, "evil" people just doesn't seem right to me.

The only comfort I have is knowing that I will go on from this knowing I never lied or did anything to hurt anybody. There is more that I want to say, but there is still a big part of me that hopes my ban will be lifted.

You know what they say though. Wish in 1 hand and shit in the other and see which 1 fills up quicker.

AC Cream