
dood, i have no idea what the hell half of what he said meant. 'sides calling me gay is soooo 2005.

actually all the bases have been covered by one retard or another and usually they overlap due to lack of creativity.

I have been:
called Gay/Homo/Tranny
told my site sux & has no traffic
told i don't have night clothes
called out on the make-up

after awhile it's like i don't even care to put any effort into retort anymore, I’d just be repeating myself .

And I'm in too good of a mood lately and some anonymous idiot throwing some shit at me junior high style pretty much doesn't faze me.

Native Americans have calm under fire/spitball attack....I have to admit, when I first came here I thought Monstar was Wahoo McDaniel's androgynous daughter, but now I know the dood is just a ... a...um, a cool "dood" who marches to his own tune. If I could actually march, I'd do the same
Are you gonna eat that?