Jimmy D has a great take on this. I wish the dude could update more. Annoyed Jimmy = Funny Jimmy.

From his site www.simplyjimmyd.com:

Even though many of you who read this are in the porn biz, you still might have heard of a guy named Galileo.

Like me, Galileo was an Eye-talian guinea who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries... I mean, like me he was a guinea not "like me" we both lived in the 16th and 17th centuries. I just thought I'd clarify that for anyone who might get confused.

If you're thinking Galileo had something to do with telescopes you're right-- he invented them.

You see, this guy, besides being a paisan, was a physicist and an astronomer. He was the first person to look at the moon close up and, even though he was Italian, he announced that the age-old Italian belief that said the "moon's in the sky like a big pizza pie" was wrong. Galileo also discovered four of Jupiter's moons, also noting they weren't at all like pizza pies either, and he did that about 400 years ago! Whoa! Seriously ahead of his time, no?

The other thing Galileo did was he published his beliefs that Copernicus, who was a Pollock, was right! That is, that the universe was heliocentric. In other words, Galileo and Copernicus said the Earth revolved around the sun, not the other way around.

But back in the day, i.e, Galileo's day, that was called heresy because the Catholic Church had this group of guys called the Inquisition and the Church and the Inquisition said everything revolved around the Earth and if you disagreed with what the Church said you were a heretic.

Ultimately, Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment for his heresy which brings me to Ashley Blue. (You knew I'd get to her at some point, right? )

Anyway, it seems Ms. Blue is a porn heretic. What's her heresy you wonder? For starters, she attended some lame, bullshit, over-hyped, no-money-spent-on-it, porn shoot and called it the way she saw it. And for doing so, she's now being labeled crazy (and a "cunt") by Wankus who, apparently, is now the grand, high, exalted, mystic Porn Inquisitor which begs the hypothetical, possibly heretical, question, "Whose dick is Wankus sucking?"

And ya know what else? Crazy is pretty much what they they called heretics back in the day before they executed them or ex-communicated them or imprisoned them or whatever else they did to them.

Ya see, Ashley went to this supposedly 300-Girl Gang-Bang where, in actuality, about a dozen chicks showed up and then she had the AUDACITY to go public with what she saw and heard there! Including her opinions about the overall quality of the chicks and some other stuff she felt like commenting on.

So now, according to some, she's crazy and she's a cunt! And to top that, she's been threatened with both professional and physical harm!

I guess in the world of porn, Ashely Blue is a heretic!

I also guess Ms. Blue must not know that this big secret fraternal order we belong to called "Porn" has--much like the Masons and the Mob--rules of "omerta" or silence and we're not supposed to call bullshit "bullshit" when we see it or hear it or are confronted with it.

But don't worry, Ashley. Like they say on "The X-Files," the truth is out there. And it will set you free. And just so ya know, you're in good company when you publish the truth. You're in the company of people like Galileo.

And who would have ever thought a pornstar might be in the company of someone like Galileo?

"Bornyo sleeps under a bearskin that he killed and skinned when he was 5. He just stared the thing dead with mind bullets." - Floofin