

They once came me Wellbutrin to stop smoking, then I found a few addicts who loved them and they would get fucked up on them, I threw them away and continue to smoke till tis day.

Quitting smoking is not that hard. I did it a couple years ago using nicotine patches for one month. I smoked two packs a day right up until I smoked the last one. The patches take care of the physical addiction easily- the rest is in your head. My only warning is that you will substitute some other behaviour for the cigs so you might as well plan ahead to drop and give yourself 20 pushups instead of eating a donut every time you want to light up.

No Bornyo it took me forever to lose lots of weight I dont wanna get fat again, I rather die with lung cancer, I find myself not even wanting a cigarette, but need something to do with my hands.
I have the patches in the closet, 2 boxes. They're offering them here in NY on the phone number 311. Its very hard, how can you say its not hard, its like going thru cold turkey, I rather kick a drug habit then a nicotine habit and god knows I've done many of those. But thanks for the advice.
How about fucking everytime I wanna smoke or sucking cock or getting my pussy fucked w/a dildo. I dont like pushups. Well maybe I will join the gym.