


hey fatman, how's it going?

I'm doing pretty good!!

Really found a good "zen" place where I can ground.
I've been able to better understand my reaction to meds enough to actually sense when they need adjustment ... in this case down.
Risperdal gone, Wellbutrin no longer needed.

May 1 I'm starting a new exercise/health regimen.

So except for finances .... All's good!

Hopefully I'll be starting to do some part-time consulting or something come Fall. I've had to turn down some decent work since I'm just not ready. I'm still not quite well enough to be reliable. I still cannot commit to being "able" on a specific day.

It's frustrating, but I'm getting closer ...

They once came me Wellbutrin to stop smoking, then I found a few addicts who loved them and they would get fucked up on them, I threw them away and continue to smoke till tis day.