

It's not just condom vs. bareback. Are these trannies really tested, or do they just say so? Were their test results done by Xerox?

Even were condoms were used, if half of the trannies+Nacho were HIV+ then she'd have a 33% chance of being infected in this one shoot alone based on CDC estimates for condom reliability.

Maybe half is too high a guess, maybe too low - the problem is that nobody knows. I'm surprised she isn't blacklisted by every performer here for fear she'll bring back the next Darren James surprise.

I'm trying to do that the math here. How did you cum up with 33%? There's 1 Nacho and 15 Trannies. Total of 16 people. What condom failure rate for HIV transmission did you use? Give me the formula if you have to.

Show your work.
I've shown you mine.

8 infected at a condom failure rate of 2% from the CDC website I saw.


Reported breakage rates in the studies were 2% or less for vaginal or anal intercourse

2% of 8 is not 33%. Thanks for pointing that out Gia.

CDC web page

Heres another site with some useful info.